1/10/11 - Chennai

We decided to have a non-tourist day and instead participate in ordinary activities.  So we accompanied Sita and Shobhana on some shopping errands, and visited with family.

The shopping included a curtain store, where Shobhana looked for curtains for the new room she recently added to her house; a sweet shop; a department store/supermarket, sort of like Target; and a small shop that sold inexpensive textiles for the home, such as tablecloths and sofa pillows.  Here are some pictures of the sweet shop.

We had lunch with Shobhana’s sister, Masil, who is a doctor.

We also visited Masil at home later, where we were able to see her son and husband.  Her husband is an English professor at a local college.

In addition, Tricia took pictures of several Hindu “mini-temples.”  I had been seeing these all over India and wanted to get pictures of them.  So Tricia kindly accommodated my wishes.  We were intrigued by how often we saw these little religious sites, and how they seemed to pop up in the most incongruous places.

After another lovely dinner served by Sita, we had Sari Dress-Up Night!  Tricia, Shobhana and I all tried on Sita’s saris.  So much fun!  The way the saris were wrapped was quite different from what I had expected.