We had another smooth, uneventful flight from Chennai to Delhi. In late afternoon, we met up with two friends of Shobhana from college days, Devalina and Bishakha. We hung out with them at a bar, then checked into our hotel, then had dinner with Devalina at a Chinese restaurant.
It was really lovely to talk to Devalina and Bishakha. Tricia and I had already met Devalina at the start of the trip, but Bishakha was a new acquaintance. She is a journalist and features editor for a Bengali newspaper. She and I had a very interesting conversation that ranged from the Nayar – a matrilineal group in Kerala – to street food in Delhi. Likewise, Devalina was a warm and engaging conversationalist as well. Over dinner we talked and laughed about many topics, from the dangers of Indian wine to our travel adventures.